Epub is perhaps the most popular eBook format in the market,
beating Mobi at its game over the years. Epub has been brought out
International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) and is maintained by them. They
ensure that every ePub is created, designed and maintained as per the
guidelines set down by the forum. Due to this ePub is mostly universally
accepted, and compatible across various devices, as it is a base for eBook. The
following are some of the eBook epub readers which are highly ranked:
EPUB Reader: As the name implies, EPub reader is
a clutter free, no frills, ePub reader available for free in the market. Having
said that it is no frills attached, doesn’t undermine its capacity as an eBook
reader, as it supports multi versions of ePub books, PDF’s and more. Also, with
its robust conversion tools, ePub can also be converted into other text content
Calibre: An all stop shop for everything eBooks,
Calibre has been delivering innovative features for conversion, purchase,
highlights, annotations, bookmarks, etc. for eBooks, especially ePub files.
They support epub files natively, and can also be used to share eBook files
among different platforms and systems. If you are of course a writer, calibre
can help you convert the epub file into Amazon Kindle supported Mobi file
eBooks. All in one solution, Calibre makes everything related to eBooks super
Sigil : Sigil scores high in ease of use and
intuitive user interface when it comes to processing eBooks, either free
downloads from online or loaded into the device from external sources. Sigil
and Calibre are perhaps the only two software tools which provide all the
facilities a user might need in making, transferring, converting,
re-converting, publishing and promting eBooks, moreover in the case of ePub.
The ePub scanning codex in Sigil is more effective, as it
can process multimedia ebooks, and even windows non-compatible ePub files.
However, apart from the above popular tools, you can also
use Online tools like Google Play books, Amazon Kindle (when converted to
Mobi), Nook reader, Kobo readers, Moon+ reader (especially for android smart
devices) and more. Epub as referred to earlier is the most compatible
multi-platform multi-device reflowable eBook format, and becomes a good option
for avid eBook readers. This is one of the best methods to Open EPub on
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